770 files

 Amalthea (moon of Jupiter)
 Asteroid belt
 Asteroids and meteorites
 Autumn constellations
 Big Bang and fossil radiation
 Biographies men of science
 Brightest stars
 Asteroid Ceres (dwarf planet)
 Remarkable characteristics of the planet Earth
 Remarkable characteristics of the planet Jupiter
 Remarkable characteristics of the planet Mars
 Remarkable characteristics of the planet Mercury
 Remarkable characteristics of the planet Neptune
 Remarkable characteristics of the planet Saturn
 Remarkable characteristics of the planet Uranus
 Remarkable characteristics of the planet Venus
 Citations men of science
 Close stars
 Comets face of evil in the Oort cloud
 Constellations of the Zodiac
 Constellations, imaginary figures in the sky
 Dark nebula
 Deimos, satellite of Mars
 Dione (moon of Saturn)
 Dwarf planets beyond Neptune
 Earth blue planet
 Enceladus (moon of Saturn)
 Eris (dwarf planet)
 Europa (moon of Jupiter)
 Exoplanets, extrasolar planets
 Galaxies elliptic, spiral, irregular, Milky Way
 Galaxies elliptic, Galaxy of the Sombrero
 Galaxies elliptic, spiral, Fusion of galaxies
 Galaxies elliptic, barred spiral galaxy
 Galaxies elliptic, spiral, irregular
 Galaxy groups, local group
 Clusters of galaxies Hydra or Abell 1060
 Galaxy Clusters
 Ganymede (moon of Jupiter)
 Gould Belt
 Haumea (dwarf planet)
 Hyperion (moon of Saturn)
 Iapetus (moon of Saturn)
 Mysteries of the Universe and astronomical phenomena
 Io (moon of Jupiter)
 Juno (Asteroid)
 Characteristics of Planet Jupiter
 Local Group
 Characteristics of the Planet Mars
 Characteristics of the Planet Mercury
 Milky Way or Galaxy
 Mimas (moon of Saturn)
 Mini neptunes, gaseous dwarf exoplanets
 Miranda (moon of Uranus)
 Moon, satellites of the Earth
 Moons of Jupiter
 Moons of Mars
 Satellites of Neptune
 Moons of Saturn
 Moons of Uranus
 Multiverse, cosmic bubble expansion
 Nebulas and dusts
 The beautiful nebulas
 Nebulas brightest
 Nebulas most colorful
 The most beautiful Nebulas
 Nebulous cloud of gas and dust
 Neptune the last planet
 Constellations not visible
 Oort cloud - solar system
 Orbits of the solar system
 Pallas (Asteroid)
 Phobos, satellite of Mars
 Planetary nebulas
 Pluto (dwarf planet)
 Prometheus (moon of Saturn)
 Quaoar (dwarf planet)
 Quasars, faraway galaxies
 Rhea (moon of Saturn)
 Satellite observation, monitoring the Planet
 Satellites of Pluto
 Characteristics of the Planet Saturn
 Sedna (dwarf planet)
 Solar system and planets
 Space probes or man in space
 Space telescopes, system monitoring
 Spring constellations
 Star clusters in the Galaxy
 Stars mass and composition
 Summer constellations
 Sun yellow dwarf (star)
 Supernova or cataclysmic explosion
 Telescopes on Earth
 Tethys (moon of Saturn)
 Titan (moon of Saturn)
 Titania, moon of Uranus
 Triton (moon of Neptune)
 Universe and its origin
 Characteristics of the Planet Uranus
 Characteristics of the Planet Venus
 Vesta (asteroid)
 Amas de la Vierge
 Winter constellations
 Zodiac signs, astrology, your sign Horoscope
 Antimatter and antiparticle
 Bose-Einstein condensate
 Tcherenkov light
 Dark night sky paradox
 Didymos and dimorphos
 Do nothingness and vacuum exist?
 Energy at the center of the Sun
 Evolution of world energy consumption
 Fermi's paradox or Plato's cave
 First measurement of the Earth-Sun distance
 Foucault Pendulum
 Heliosphere, the solar system boundaries
 How to measure distances in the Universe?
 AMPHTML articles
 JWST and the Protogalaxies
 Laser light
 Leap second
 Milankovitch cycles and Earth's climate
 Our matter is not quantum!
 Photoelectric effect
 Quantum computing
 Schrödinger's equation
 Space over time
 Superpositions of quantum states
 Symmetries of the universe
 The articles of the year 1905 by Albert Einstein
 The geometry of time
 The quark confinement
 The valley of stability of atomic nuclei
 Thermodynamics of the sandpile
 Trappist or the harmony of the cosmos
 Travel on the ecliptic
 We do not see with our eyes but with our brain
 What is an electric charge?
 Where does space begin?
 Why do astronauts float?
 World population 2022
 Aberration of light
 Abundance of the chemical elements
 Accelerated expansion of the Universe
 Acid rain
 Adaptive optics and laser stars
 Artificial intelligence and natural language
 Alpha decay
 Alternative theories to the accelerated expansion
 Paradox of the angular momentum of the solar system
 Antimatter and antiparticle
 Apophis, risk of impact
 Orbits of celestial objects (Apsis)
 Aquarius (observation satellite)
 Anti twilight arch, anticrepuscular arch
 The Ethiopian hominid Ardipithecus ramidus
 Are we alone in the universe
 Nanoparticles to the collapse of a society (articles)
 Online simulator on the movement of planets (articles)
 Candidates and confirmed, characteristics of exoplanets
 Coma cluster, Pencil nebula video (articles)
 Frost line, effect of aberration of light, Shock waves
 Super moon, Size of atoms, lights of the sun
 Asteroids, meteorites and comets (articles)
 Stars, photon and light (articles)
 Calderas and supervolcanoes (articles)
 Cosmic rays and Sustainable development (articles)
 Spectrum and Earth in crisis (articles)
 Zodiac and constellations, Earth of fire (articles)
 Enigma and fiction, best images (articles)
 Collapse, illusion and neanderthal (articles)
 The wonders of the world (articles)
 AI: the explosion of gigantism
 Artificial neural network
 Asimo humanoid furur
 Chariklo asteroid (10199) and its amazing rings
 Asteroid Ganymed (1036)
 Asteroid or comet
 Formation of asteroids
 List of asteroids classified by size
 Chart of near-Earth asteroids
 Near-Earth asteroid orbits
 Asteroids, the threat to the life
 What is an astronomical interferometer?
 Astronomical unit (AU)
 Astronomy and time of ancient civilizations
 Atmosphere of Earth
 Atom, atomic structure image
 Atom or atomic orbital
 Auroras borealis and auroras australis
 Inclination of the planets
 Babylonian astronomy and astrology
 Baily's beads or pearls of light
 Bayes Formula and Artificial Intelligence
 What is β radioactivity?
 Star Betelgeuse
 Beyond our senses
 Particles and biochemical life
 Bioluminescence or light emission
 Biosignatures or presence of life in the Universe
 Bipedalism, walking on two feet
 Birth of an Island
 Black body radiation curves
 In search of black holes
 The spicules of the blue Sun
 Boltzmann's equation (1877)
 Bose-Einstein condensate
 Brownian motion
 Bullet cluster and dark matter
 Caldera volcano
 Dog olfaction study
 Galaxy Cartwheel
 Schrodinger's cat and quantum theory
 Catastrophe of super eruption
 Cepheid and variable stars
 Challenge and threat of Artificial Intelligence
 Chaos theory and butterfly effect
 Characteristics of Planets (table)
 Cherenkov Light
 Cigar Galaxy or M82
 Clouds of interstellar dust and gas
 The El Gordo Galaxy Cluster
 Colliding galaxies, Tinker Bell
 Coma, the enormous cluster of galaxies
 Ison Comet C/2012 S1
 Field concept in physics
 Conditions for the emergence of life
 Conservation of energy
 Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
 Cosmic rays
 Coulomb's equation (1785)
 Impact craters on Earth
 Craters of the Moon
 Curiosity, images of the Martian soil
 Three Gorges Dam or Yangtze in China
 Dark Ages of the Universe
 Dark energy
 Dark matter in the universe
 Dark Night Paradox or Olbers' Paradox
 The death of stars
 Declination and right ascension
 Decline of Anthropocentrism
 Didymos and dimorphos
 Difference between heat and temperature
 Paul Dirac's equation (1928)
 Distance of stars
 Do Nothingness and Vacuum Exist?
 Dryas -9000 -14000 years
 Interstellar dust
 The consequences of E=mc2
 Earth in crisis
 Earth's Paleoclimates and Carbon Dioxide
 Easter Island
 The eccentricity of the Earth
 Annular eclipse of January 15, 2010
 Lunar Eclipse, Red Moon or Blood Moon
 Solar eclipse
 Saros cycle or periodicities of eclipses
 Solar eclipses seen from satellites
 Eclipses and lunar phases
 Anthropocentric and geocentric vision
 1905, Einstein's miraculous year
 Einstein ring or Einstein cross
 El Niño and La Niña
 Electromagnetic spectrum and light
 Electron quantum particle
 Emergence of artificial intelligence
 End of the world, December 21, 2012
 Endangered Species
 Energy at the Center of the Sun
 Enigma of the coplanar galaxies of Andromeda
 Envisat (Satellite Space)
 Equation of electromagnetic induction
 The equation of general relativity (1915)
 The Law of Free Fall of Bodies (1604)
 Equation of the orbital velocity of a planet
 Equation of the speed of rotation of a planet
 Equation of Newton's Three Laws
 Special relativity equations (1905)
 Equivalence principle
 Escape velocity
 Inflation, string theory and dark energy
 Evolution of world energy consumption
 Protoplanet candidate around the star HD100546
 55 Cancri e diamond exoplanet
 Exoplanet Kepler 22b
 Exoplanets, billions of Earths
 Detection of life in exoplanets
 Exoplanets floating
 Exoplanets, systems Kepler-62 and Kepler-69
 Number of candidates and confirmed exoplanets
 Feels like temperature
 Fermi Paradox or Plato's Cave?
 Feynman diagram
 The First Equation of Physics
 First measurement of the Earth-Sun distance
 The first second
 Nuclear fission and fusion of the atom
 Formal Neuron
 Foucault Pendulum
 The smallest frog in the world
 Frost line or snow line or ice line in the solar system
 Buckyball or fullerene
 A small galaxy tears the great NGC 6745
 Fusion of galaxies
 GAIA satellite, mapping the Milky Way
 Galactic arms
 Galaxies antennae, NGC 4038 and 4039
 Galaxies from the depths of the universe
 The oldest galaxies
 Cigar Galaxy or M82
 Galaxy NGC 1275
 Galaxy NGC 1672
 Galilean cutoff or beginning modern physics
 Gamma-ray burst
 Geological time and mass extinctions
 Geostationary orbit
 Clouds and global cloud cover
 Global dimming
 Global warming and greenhouse effect
 GPS - Global Positioning System satellite
 GRAIL space probes
 Gravitational lenses
 Gravitational waves
 Tycho Brahe's Comet: Great Comet of 1577
 Great Walls and Filaments
 Habitable zone, the right corner
 Hadrons, subatomic particles
 Sun, the power of the system
 Helene, the small moon of Saturn
 Heliosphere, the solar system boundaries
 Bigbang - horizon problem
 Distance of the horizon
 The horseshoe crab, a living fossil
 How to measure distances in the Universe?
 How to see infrared images from JWST?
 How to weigh the sun?
 Hubble constant and expansion of the universe
 The Hubble sequence
 The best pictures from Hubble
 Environment, Acid rain (articles)
 Inert and living
 International Date Line
 International Space Station (ISS)
 Interstellar dust
 Tourist travel in the solar system
 Photon travel from the center of the Sun to the Earth
 JWST and the Protogalaxies
 Kepler 186 system
 Kirkwood Gaps
 Kuiper Belt
 Lagrange points L1 L2 L3 L4 and L5
 Laser light
 Leap second
 LHC, Large Hadron Collider
 Life of the abyss, surprising organisms
 Life of the Earth
 The life of the stars
 Life Under the Ice - The periods of glaciation
 The photon energy
 Sunlight and wavelength
 Liquid water
 Little Ice Age
 Living cell and system
 Living on Mars
 Lorentz force
 Lyman-alpha Blob and Lyman-alpha clouds
 Magnetic field of the Earth
 Magnetism and magnetization
 Earth's magnetosphere and South Atlantic Anomaly
 Extent of upcoming global warming
 The mass
 The missing mass of the universe
 Mauna Loa (Hawaii)
 Maxwell's equations
 Time measurement
 Quantum mechanics and spirituality
 Megapode, bird of New Guinea
 Mephisto, the worm of the deep
 Messenger y Mariner 10
 meteorites and asteroids
 Michelson-Morley Experiment
 Milankovitch cycles and Earth's climate
 Center of the Milky Way
 MOM Indian spacecraft
 Moments of the day
 MOND theory and dark matter
 The mascons of the Moon
 Moons of Neptune
 Moons of the solar system
 The movements of the Earth
 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO), spacecraft
 The mystery of the constellations
 Size of the nanoparticles
 Satellites of natural satellites
 Natural selection
 Neanderthal man
 The Earth-Crossing Asteroids, NEO
 Carina Nebula
 Cone Nebula or NGC 2264
 Crab Nebula M1
 Eagle Nebula or M16
 Helix Nebula, God's eye
 Nebula NGC 2170
 Nebula NGC 346
 NGC 3603 nebula, star cluster
 Orion Nebula
 Rosette nebula or NGC2237
 Tarantula Nebula or NGC 2070, largest known nebula
 Witch Head Nebula or IC 2118
 Nebulas of the Heart and Soul, IC 1805 IC 1848
 Neutrino and beta decay
 Neutron Stars and pulsar
 Nevado del Ruiz volcano
 Nice model
 Notion of distance
 Nuclear Energy
 Solar System Objects Sorted by Size
 Obliquities of the planets
 The obliquity of the Earth
 The observable universe and the CMB
 Oceans water
 Oceanic trenches
 Ordovician or explosion of life
 The origins of the Moon
 Our matter is not quantum
 The oxygen in Earth's atmosphere
 Origin of life on Earth: Panspermia theory
 Paradoxes in physics
 Passage of comets
 Petroleum - Oil
 The phenomenon of soil sinking is called subsidence
 The Phlegraean Fields
 Phobos will crash into Mars
 Photoelectric effect
 Phylogenetic Tree of Life
 Physical and cosmological constants
 Pioneer, first message to extraterrestrials
 Planck's equation
 Planck's wall
 Planet 9
 Exoplanets and habitable planets
 Pleiades (star cluster)
 Simulator online, orbits and positions of asteroids
 Simulator online orbits of the planets
 The primitive atom of Abbot Georges Lemaître
 Primitive or primordial soup
 Principle of absorption and emission atomic
 Probes of Mars
 Problem of longitude at sea
 Quantum computing
 Quantum field theory
 Quantum tunnelling, quantum mechanics
 The colors of the rainbow
 Recombination in cosmology
 Regeneration of tissues
 Reservoirs of water on Earth
 Rings of Saturn
 Roche limit or radius of Roche
 Rosetta and Philae
 Rosetta spacecraft
 Rotation of the Earth
 Satellite laser ranging
 Meteosat satellites
 Fujita Scale for tornadoes
 Schrödinger's equation
 Seafloor relief
 The Second Equation of Physics
 Seven Wonders of the World
 The shadow biosphere
 The shadow of the black hole
 Shock wave
 Size of atoms
 Size and age of the Universe
 Comparative sizes of planets and stars
 Solar flares
 Solar prominences
 Solar storms
 The Solar System and its planets
 Solar wind
 Where does the water on Earth ?
 Where is the Space Station?
 Space debris
 Space over time — Notion d'espace
 Spacetime and speed of light, Einstein
 Special relativity or special theory of relativity
 Spectacular airglow in France
 The speed of light
 Start date of spring or vernal equinox
 Sputnik (1957 october)
 Camelopardalis or U Cam (star)
 Fomalhaut (star)
 Monocerotis V838 (star)
 Stars categories
 Stars formation
 Star or Planet
 Structure of the atom
 Internal structure of the Earth
 12 particles of the matter
 Our supercluster of galaxies is called Laniakea
 Supercritical water
 Coatlicue mother of the Sun
 Supernova SN 2014J in the cigar galaxy
 Superpositions of quantum states
 The supervolcanoes
 Sustainable development
 Symmetries of the universe
 How to calculate the synchronous orbit?
 Lake Taupo
 Telescope Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT)
 Space Telescope Cheops and exoplanets
 James Webb Space Telescope JWST
 Kepler (Space Telescope)
 Largest optical telescope in the world
 Global warming warmest years
 Terrestrial radioactivity
 The articles of the year 1905 by Albert Einstein
 The chaotic formation of the solar system
 The curvature of time or time dilation
 The first image of a black hole
 The geometry of time
 The hidden galaxy, one of Euclid's first images
 The new 2023 measurement of the mass of our Galaxy
 The nuclear instability barrier
 Quark Confinement
 The seven fundamental constants of physics
 The solar energy received depends on the inclinaison
 The Stability Valley of Atomic Nuclei
 The winds of the solar system
 Thermodynamics of the sandpile
 The Third Equation of Physics
 The threat of supervolcanoes
 Three Gorges Dam and Day Length
 What is time?
 Titan and Dione, Saturn's moons
 Torino Scale
 Toumai in the desert of Chad, skull fossil
 Trace of life, mammoth
 Trappist or the harmony of the cosmos
 Travel on the ecliptic
 Trojan asteroid of the Earth 2010 TK7
 Switch off the stars to detect life
 Types of nebulae
 The universe of Einstein
 The universe of Planck space telescope
 X-ray Universe
 Vacuum state
 Absolute vacuum and ultrahigh vacuum
 Van Allen radiation belt
 Surface of Venus (planet)
 Vesta, south pole
 The Yellowstone supervolcano
 Volcanoes in Africa
 Volcanoes of Colombia
 Volcanoes of Ecuador
 Volcanoes of Kamchatka, mountain of fire and ice
 Volcanoes of New Zealand
 Volcanoes source of life, origin of life
 Volcanoes of the Earth
 Voyager 1 and 2 (Probes)
 Wave particle duality
 What is a wave?
 We do not see with our eyes but with our brain
 What do we know about Pythagoras?
 What does the equation E = mc2 really mean?
 What is an electric charge?
 When artificial intelligence goes mad
 Where does space begin?
 Origin of life, the white smoker theory
 Why 37 degrees Celsius?
 Why do astronauts float in ISS?
 Why do elementary particles have no mass?
 Why does a photon, which has no mass, have energy?
 Why is marble colder than wood?
 Why use hydrogen in the fuel cell?
 Winds of stars, stellar winds
 World population 2011
 World Population 2022
 World population 2008
 Zodiacal light
 Asteroids in the solar system
 Journey to the Center of our Galaxy
 Albert Einstein, relativity
 Aristotle (philosophical characteristics)
 Bernard Lyot, light
 Charles Darwin, Origin of Species
 Edwin Powell Hubble, distance of galaxies
 Erwin Schrodinger, quantum mechanics (biography)
 Frank Drake, extraterrestrial life
 William Herschel was born Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel
 Galileo Galilei, telescope
 George Ellery Hale, magnetic fields in sunspots
 Harlow Shapley, globular clusters
 Henrietta Swan Leavitt, variable stars
 Isaac Newton, gravity
 Maxwell 1831-1879, electromagnetism
 Jan Hendrik Oort, comets
 Johannes Kepler, Kepler's laws
 Fredrick John Herschel, star clusters
 John Wheeler, black hole
 Karl Schwarzschild, black holes
 Caroline Lucretia Herschel, comet
 Michael Faraday, electromagnetism
 Nicolaus Copernicus
 Pierre Simon Laplace, world system
 Claudius Ptolemy
 Stanley Miller, chemistry
 Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, white dwarf (biography)
 Tycho Brahe, Palace of Heaven
 Walter Baade, stars
 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, star
 Willem De Sitter, cosmology
 Children's April sky, Bouvier constellation
 August sky for children, constellation of the Eagle
 The Benefits of Fuse Beads
 December sky for children, Perseus constellation
 Do nothingness and emptiness exist?
 Children's February Sky, Coachman Constellation
 How big is the Moon?
 How did the Moon form?
 How stars work
 How to measure distances in the Universe?
 How to properly observe the stars in the sky?
 Articles AMP HTML
 Children's January sky, Orion constellation
 Children's July sky, Cygnus constellation
 June sky for kids, constellation Virgo
 Children's march sky, Gemini constellation
 May sky for children, constellation Leo
 The metaverse is a virtual world
 November sky for children, Andromeda constellation
 October sky for children, constellation Pegasus
 Why is our Our matter not quantum?
 Our Milky Way
 Quantum physics, simply!
 September sky for kids, Corona Borealis Constellation
 JUICE's orbital waltz to Jupiter
 We do not see with our eyes but with our brains
 What are the inner and outer layers of the Earth?
 What is a black hole?
 What is a Galaxy?
 Why are the stars of different colors?
 Why are there rings around giant planets?
 Why do astronauts float in the ISS?
 Why does the Sun shine?
 Why don't we feel that the Earth is rotating?
 World population will exceed 8 billion in 2022
 Copernicium, the element Cn
 Gold, the element 79
 Tin, element 50
 Astrological forecast 2024 for the sign of Aquarius
 Astrological forecast 2024 for the sign of Aries
 Prévisions astrologiques 2024 pour le signe du Cancer
 Prévisions astrologiques 2024 pour le signe du Capricorne
 Prévisions astrologiques 2024 pour le signe des Gémeaux
 Horoscope 2024 for the astrological signs of the Zodiac
 Astrological forecast 2024 for the sign of Leo
 Astrological forecast 2024 for the sign of Libra
 Astrological forecast 2024 for the sign of Pisces
 Astrological forecast 2024 for the sign of Sagittarius
 Astrological forecast 2024 for the sign of Scorpio
 Astrological forecast 2024 for the sign of Taurus
 Astrological forecast 2024 for the sign of Virgo
 Aral Sea (Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan)
 Asperatus, mammatus and morning glories clouds
 Near-Earth Asteroid 2012 DA14
 Asteroid 2012 LZ1
 Asteroid 2012 BX34 (Near-Earth)
 An asteroid collision
 Asteroid 2005 YU55 (Near-Earth)
 Asteroid 2009 DD45 (Near-Earth)
 Black hole Sagittarius A and the cloud of gas in 2013
 Black hole swallowing a star
 Blue Moon
 Brown dwarf
 Comet Garradd C/2009 P1
 Comet Hartley 2
 Comet Lemmon C/2012 F6
 Kamchatka crab or crab giant Stalin
 Curiosity, landing on Mars
 Deimos moon of Mars
 Netherlands seen by the satellite Envisat
 Galactic Cannibalism
 Andromeda Galaxy
 Stars giant blue and red supergiants
 Gliese 581g, an exoplanet in the Libra
 The Higgs boson
 Decrease sea ice
 Illusion of the same color
 Illusion gravitational
 Moon Illusion
 Optical illusions
 New Moons of Jupiter
 The mass of the proton
 Mercury, transit of the planet
 Moon, transit of the Moon
 Neutron star
 The oldest image of the Earth
 Phoenix is dead
 Solar pillar
 The probes sent to the planet Mercury
 Probes sent to the planet Venus
 Red dwarf
 Black river
 Sahara or desert
 Sunspots (Solar Dynamics Observatory)
 Level of the oceans
 Positions of the space probes
 Star and Black hole
 Conjunctions in a summer sky
 Super black hole
 Supernova or explosion of a star
 Tardigrades, animals immortal
 Tree of life (Earth)
 Venus, Transit of Venus
 Galeras Volcano in Colombia
 White dwarf
 Yellow dwarf
 Asteroids and comets
 Black holes in galaxies
 Earth, the crises of the planet
 Lunar and solar eclipses
 Ecology and environment
 Physics equations
 volution and trace of life
 Exoplanets of the Milky Way
 Galaxies and galaxy clusters
 Light, wave and particle
 Matter and subatomic particles
 Moons of the planets of the solar system
 Nebulae and dust clouds
 Planets and dwarf planets of the solar system
 Probes, space telescopes and artificial satellites
 Stars of the Sky
 The Sun and solar phenomena
 Observable universe and its mysteries
 Volcanoes and supervolcanoes
 Zodiac signs "circle of small animals"
 Signs of the zodiac - Aquarius
 Signs of the zodiac - Aries
 Signs of the zodiac - Cancer
 Signs of the zodiac - Capricorn
 Signs of the zodiac - Gemini
 Signs of the zodiac - Leo
 Signs of the zodiac - Libra
 Signs of the zodiac - Pisces
 Signs of the zodiac - Sagittarius
 Signs of the zodiac - Scorpio
 Signs of the zodiac - Taurus
 Signs of the zodiac - Virgo