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Last updated June 01, 2013

The giant crab

Stalin's crabs

The Kamchatka crab is the crab species most sought after in the world because of its delicate flesh.
The giant crab that lives in the Norton Sound and Bristol Bay in Alaska, was imported to the west of Russia to be exploited extensively in the 1960s.
The crabs have become invincible, they settled in an area free of predators and thus proliferate freely in devouring all marine animals they encounter, disrupting the entire ecosystem of the coasts of the Nordic countries. Millions of voracious giant crabs and have spread to the borders of Norway on the border between Russia and Finland in the Barents Sea, threatening its balance millennium. Fishing is the main activity of men in this area of the Barents Sea coast, but the density of giant crabs too much disrupts their sins by eating whatever they find, fish, shellfish, starfish professionals fear they eat the eggs of capelin, cod fish favorites, which is itself the main natural resource of the Barents Sea. In Norway this crab has no enemy and turns the sea bed in the desert is becoming an ecological disaster. In its native range in the North Pacific, this crab was a natural predator, the wolf huge fish, which limited its people.

The Soviets introduced the magic crab in 1961 to help the people of Vladivostok, 7800 km away, just east of the Soviet Union that want to create a new resource to this region of Russia very poor.
Between 1961 and 1969 crabs were selected and sent to the east by special trains. Its delicate flesh and delicious, is similar to lobster and sells for up to € 100 per kg. A financial windfall for local communities.
The largest of the giant crabs weigh up to 12kg with a wingspan of 2 meters. 300,000 crabs are taken from 15 million who swarm in the seabed.
The Russians voluntarily limit fishing for these crabs to maintain progress. Sinners are forced to discharge into the sea, the females and small crabs.
Each female can lay up to 40,000 eggs per year.
The giant crabs move now to the west towards the Norwegian Sea and could very well happen on the Atlantic coast. A bomb was triggered by man, for this crab was up 15 km per day.

Kamchatka crab or crab giant Stalin

Image: the giant crab or crab Stalin is becoming an ecological disaster. The largest of the giant crabs weigh up to 12kg with a wingspan of 2 meters.

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