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Astrological forecast 2024 for the signs of the Zodiac

Capricorn Horoscope - December 22 to January 20 Aquarius Horoscope - January 21 to February 18 Pisces Horoscope - February 19 to March 20 Aries Horoscope - March 21 to April 20 Taurus Horoscope - April 21 to May 20 Gemini Horoscope - May 21 to June 21 Cancer Horoscope - June 22 to July 22 Leo Horoscope - July 23 to August 22 Virgo Horoscope - August 23 to September 22 Libra Horoscope - September 23 to October 22 Scorpio Horoscope - October 23 to November 22 Sagittarius Horoscope - November 23 to December 21
March 21 - April 20 - Aries, mark of renewal March 21 - April 20 - Aries, mark of renewal
April 21 - May 21 - Taurus, esthete, refined and charming April 21 - May 21 - Taurus, esthete, refined and charming
September 23 - October 23 - Libra, can't stand loneliness September 23 - October 23 - Libra, can't stand loneliness
October 24 - November 20 - Scorpio, sign of fantasies October 24 - November 20 - Scorpio, sign of fantasies
May 22 - June 21 - Gemini, a fairly unstable character May 22 - June 21 - Gemini, a fairly unstable character
June 22 - July 22 - Cancer, harmonious family life June 22 - July 22 - Cancer, harmonious family life
November 21 - December 21 - Sagittarius, fiery, rebellious November 21 - December 21 - Sagittarius, fiery, rebellious
December 22 - January 20 - Capricorn, the most reasonable December 22 - January 20 - Capricorn, the most reasonable
July 23 - August 21 - Leo, ambitious, creative, he chases success July 23 - August 21 - Leo, ambitious, creative, he chases success
August 22 - September 22 - Virgo, sign of reason August 22 - September 22 - Virgo, sign of reason
January 21 - February 19 - Aquarius, hope and dream January 21 - February 19 - Aquarius, hope and dream
February 20 - March 20 - Pisces, loyalty and selflessness February 20 - March 20 - Pisces, loyalty and selflessness

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