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Astronomy page 1


reds volcanoes
We can not talk about volcanoes without understanding plate tectonics

geologic time
Geological time on our planet

gravitational lensing
Illusions created by gravitational lenses

arpithecus ramidus
Ardi is older than 4 million years

Pulsar that evokes a helping hand

Is the vacuum really empty?

acide smoke
Acid rain beyond the natural

world population
The world population, always galloping

galaxy NGC1672
Are we alone in the universe?

Asteroid the threat for the life

Aristotle's geocentric world
Egocentric vision, the man at the center

ENVISAT, the eye high resolution of the Earth

Asperatus, the new cloud

natural selection, the peppered birch
Natural selection the peppered birch

megapode the archipelago of Papua New Guinea
Megapode uses the volcanic heat

Hurricane Catarina
Effects of the global warming

le pays de la soif
The country of the thirst

Particles to the biochemical life

Electron, a kind of electrical point

million al
From the largest to the smallest distance

Entropy, the increase of the disorder

tardigrade, water bear
The Tardigrade or waterbear able to stop metabolism and become immortal

comet hartley 2
Hartley 2 passes close to us, every 6 years

l'eau des océans venue d'ailleurs
Ocean water coming from elsewhere

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