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Asteroid Juno


Last updated June 01, 2013

Juno (3) is the third asteroid discovered in the solar system, named after Juno, the wife of Jupiter. This is one of the main asteroid main belt. Juno was discovered by Carl Ludwig Harding Observatory Lilienthal, near Bremen, September 1, 1804 using a simple 5-cm telescope aperture.
Juno revolves around the Sun in 4.36 years with a semi-major axis of about 400 million km and an eccentricity of 0.26. Juno's orbit changed in 1839, perhaps due to an impact. Images taken in adaptive optics to Mount Wilson Observatory (USA) show that the small planet about 230 km average diameter was completely disfigured by a collision that created a huge crater size 100 km like a bite.
This adaptive optics system has resulted in a remarkably clear view of Juno, reducing interference with the Earth's atmosphere.

Image: The artist representation on the image to the right shows the front, a huge impact crater.
(David A. Aguilar, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics).

NB: The interplanetary space is far from empty, it is littered with dust and matter dating from the creation of the solar system. Asteroids are mainly located in the main belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter (between 300 and 600 million km from the Sun). There are hundreds of thousands of objects listed. All objects could have formed a planet in the area but the gravitational perturbations of Jupiter did not permit.
asteroid Juno

Juno Characteristics
Dimensions 320x267x200 km
Mean radius ≈233 km
Mass 2.82±0,12×1019 kg
Rotation period 7.21 hr
Temperature ≈163 K
Aphelion 502.08×106 km
Perihelion 328.87×106 km
Semi-major axis 399.48×106 km
Axial tilt 51°
Orbital period 4.37 a or 1595.4 d
Average orbital speed 17.93 km/s
Eccentricity 0.2568
Inclination to Ecliptic 12.968°
Longitude of ascending node 169.96°
Argument of perihelion  247.93°

Asteroids Approximate
Ceres 1 974.6 km 1801
Pallas 2 582×556×500 km 1802
Vesta 4 572.6x557.2x446 km 1807
Hygiea 10 530x407x370 km 1849
Sylvia 87 384x262x232 km 1866
Hektor 624 370x195x195 km 1907
Europa 52 360x315x240 km 1858
Eunomia 15 357x355x212 km 1851
Davida 511 357x294x231 km 1903
Interamnia 704 350.3x303.6 km 1910
Camilla 107 344x246x205 km 1868
Juno 3 320x267x200 km 1804
Cybele 65 302x290x232 km 1861
Hermione 121 268x186x183 km 1872
Euphrosyne 31 255.9 km 1854
Chariklo 10199 248x258 km 1997
Iris 7 240x200x200 km 1847
Psyche 16 240x185x145 km 1852
Daphne 41 239x183x153 km 1856
Kalliope 22 235x144x124 km 1852
Amphitrite 29 233x212x193 km 1854

List of the largest asteroids.

NB: The eccentricity defines the shape of an elliptical orbit, it varies between 0 and 1. 0 for circular orbits. A high eccentricity decreases the minor axis (perihelion) and increases the larger axis (aphelion), but does not change the major axis.

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