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Last updated June 23, 2014

Understanding and calculating the synchronous orbit

Synchronous Orbit

Image description: Representation of satellites in synchronous orbit around Earth. Image source: Astronoo AI.

What is a Synchronous Orbit?

The synchronous orbit is the orbit that allows a satellite to complete one orbit around its planet while the planet completes one rotation around itself. This means that if this orbit has an inclination and eccentricity equal to 0, the satellite will appear, from the planet's surface, to be "stationary," suspended in the sky always in the same position, above the equator.

When the inclination of the satellite's orbital plane is not equatorial (inclination ≠ 0), the satellite appears to oscillate from north to south, above the planet's equator.

When the satellite's orbit is elliptical (eccentricity ≠ 0), the satellite appears to oscillate from East to West.

When both the inclination and eccentricity of the satellite's orbit are different from 0, the satellite moves in the sky producing a figure-eight shape, called an analemma.

For Earth, the most well-known synchronous orbit is the geostationary orbit, where the satellite remains fixed relative to a point on the Earth's equator. This orbit is particularly useful for communication and meteorological satellites.

Principles of Orbital Mechanics

To calculate the synchronous orbit, it is essential to understand some basic principles of orbital mechanics:

Orbital Period Formula

The orbital period of a satellite can be calculated using Kepler's third law:

\[ T = 2\pi \sqrt{\frac{a^3}{\mu}} \]

Calculating the Synchronous Orbit

For a synchronous orbit, we must equate the orbital period \( T \) to the planet's rotation period \( T_planet \).

\[ T = T_planet \]

Using the orbital period formula, we can solve for \( a \):

\[ a = \left( \frac{\mu T_planet^2}{4\pi^2} \right)^{1/3} \]

For Earth, \( T_planet \) is approximately 86,400 seconds (24 hours), and \( \mu \) is approximately \( 3.986 \times 10^{14} \, \text{m}^3/\text{s}^2 \).

Substituting these values, we get:

\[ a \approx 42,164 \, \text{km} \]

This means that for a geostationary orbit around Earth, the satellite must be at an altitude of approximately 35,786 km above the Earth's surface (since the Earth's radius is approximately 6,378 km).

Applications of Synchronous Orbit

Synchronous orbits are widely used for various applications:

N.B.: Do not confuse the synchronous orbit of a satellite with the synchronous rotation of a satellite. The synchronous orbit is the orbit that allows a satellite to complete one orbit around its planet while the planet completes one rotation around itself. In synchronous rotation, the satellite takes the same time to rotate around its axis as it does to orbit around its planet. In the case of synchronous orbit, the satellite is always in the same place in the sky, and in the case of synchronous rotation, the satellite always presents the same face to its planet. This is the case with the Moon, which has a rotation period equal to its orbital period (27.3217 days), always presenting the same face to Earth but moving in the sky because it is not in a synchronous orbit.

Table of Synchronous Orbits of Planets.

Planets Mass
(1024 kg)
(1012 km3)
orbit altitude
Synchronous orbit
Semi-major axis
Mercury 0.3302 0.06083 2439.74 5 053 137 240 025 242 464 0.30
Venus 4.8685 0.92843 6051.83 20 939 611 1 527 832 1 533 883 0.46
Earth 5.9736 1.08321 6371.01 86 163 35 796 42 167 3.07
Mars 0.64185 0.16318 3389.95  88 400 17 002 20 392 1.45
Jupiter 1898.6 1431.28 69910.97 35 629 89 811 159 722 28.17
Saturn 568.46 827.13 58232.00 38 256 53 811 112 043 18.40
Uranus 86.81 68.33 25361.46 61 894 57 173 82 534 8.38
Neptune 102.43 62.526 24622.04 57 837 58 739 83 361 9.06

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