The Meteosat weather satellites are a series of geostationary satellites operated by EUMETSAT. They provide continuous observation of climate and meteorology in Europe, Africa, and the Atlantic.
Orbit and Positioning
Orbit type: Geostationary (35,786 km altitude).
Position: Aligned with the Greenwich meridian (~0° longitude).
Orbital period: 24 hours, synchronous with Earth's rotation.
Generations of Satellites
Meteosat 1 to 7 (First Generation)
MVIRI imager with 3 channels (visible, thermal infrared, water vapor).
Resolution: 2.5 km (visible), 5 km (infrared).
Image frequency: every 30 minutes.
Meteosat 8 to 11 (Second Generation)
SEVIRI imager with 12 channels.
Resolution: 1 km (HR visible), 3 km (other channels).
Image frequency: every 15 minutes (5 minutes for targeted regions).
GERB sensor for Earth's radiation budget.
Third Generation Meteosat (MTG)
FCI imager with 16 channels, resolution up to 500 m.
Lightning detection with LI (Lightning Imager).
Measurement of temperature and humidity profiles with IRS.
Meteorological Applications
Monitoring of extreme weather phenomena (storms, cyclones).
Predictions of temperature, humidity, and cloud cover.
Long-term climate studies.
Tracking of atmospheric circulation and radiative exchanges.