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Coatlicue mother of the Sun

Supernova Coatlicue

Updated June 01, 2013

How the nebula at the origin of our Sun was created?
According to astrophysicists, the Sun would have appeared in a giant molecular cloud there is about 4.5 billion years after the explosion of a supernova at least 30 times the mass of the Sun, it would have resulted in the gas cloud and dust from which we came.
This giant star is named Coatlicue, the mother of the Sun in Aztec mythology but also the goddess of fertility, earth, fire, life, death, rebirth, in short everything!
The star Coatlicue would have appeared in a giant molecular cloud containing tens of thousands of stars, some very quickly in a few million years would have exploded in a supernova.
Then a second generation of a few thousand stars have originated in the dust and gas compressed by the first supernovae. It is at this point that Coatlicue was born and in turn would explode like the picture below cons, wrapped in a shell of material and dense gas fueled over millions of years by the winds of 'dying star.
It is in this rich shell material that many stars including our sun would make an appearance.
Thus, in a few tens of million years, three generations of stars have succeeded to give birth to our solar system now isolated somewhere on the outskirts of the Milky Way.
Unfortunately there is no chance of finding the stars from the same process at the same time as our Sun for 4.5 billion years, to the speed of 217 km/s, we have at least 18 times around the Milky Way, distancing the Sisters of the Sun.

The death of a star can be mild or severe, depending on its mass. Below 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, the star fades very slowly in serenity. Between 1.4 and 5 times the mass of the Sun, his agony is much more violent. Its radius shrinks to 10 km The final density is enormous, the nuclei can not resist and the heart of the star becomes a giant core neutrons. The collapse caused a terrible explosion which will project the upper layers of the star into space and sky shine a supernova.
Above 5 times the mass of the Sun, the collapse is extremely violent and fast. It can not be stopped. The heart of the star becomes a black hole. The violence of the collapse produces a huge explosion that projects the upper layers of the star into space.

NB: The violence of the collapse of a star produces a huge explosion that projects the upper layers of the star into space, playing a key role in the history of life. It was during the supernova explosion the star releases chemicals that synthesized during his life and during the explosion itself.
These chemicals elements travel in the interstellar medium to spread into space.
A supernova will extend over hundreds of billions of kilometers, seeding the interstellar medium with heavy elements, produced during the life of the star during the explosion. These heavy elements are constituents of terrestrial planets like our Earth.

nebula « square bubble »

Image: The death of a star, infrared image remains of a supernova. The shell of cold gas appears in blue 300 000 000 000 000 km of the dying star invisible at the center of the bubble. It is in this shell of gas that will be born many stars like our Sun. © CNRS-Image.

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