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Nebula NGC 2170 seen by VISTA

NGC 2170 in the Unicorn

Last updated June 01, 2013

This stunning infrared image taken by the VISTA telescope reveals an extraordinary landscape of clouds of glowing gas, dark clouds and young stars.
Everything is located in the constellation of the Unicorn. This region of star formation, known as Unicorne R2 is incorporated into a big black cloud.
The image of this region, taken in visible light, is completely obscured by interstellar dust, for cons, it is spectacular in the infrared.
This cosmic composition has been seized by the VISTA telescope in the near infrared. In the spectrum of visible light, there would, in the reflection nebula NGC 2170, as clouds of dust (right of image center).
This is because most stars are hidden behind the thick interstellar dust, which strongly absorbs ultraviolet and visible light. High winds and intense radiation from these young hot stars, constantly reshaping the interstellar cloud chart. Nebula Monoceros R2 (R2 Unicorn) is approximately 2700 light years away.
The image covers an area of about 80 light-years wide. This beautiful infrared image was taken from the Paranal Observatory in northern Chile.
VISTA reveals here the amazing details of which appear trails, loops and filaments carved into interstellar dust by the winds of particles and radiation from hot young stars.
"There is such a wealth of fascinating details in these images of Vista that I was surprised to see all these banners so clearly dust around the cluster Unicorn R2, and the jets of very young stellar objects embedded. "Says Jim Emerson of Queen Mary University of London and head of the consortium VISTA. With his immense field of view, the large mirror and a camera sensitive VISTA is ideal for catching, high quality images IR in large areas of sky, as here, the Monoceros R2 region.

As the dust is largely transparent to infrared wavelengths, many young stars can be observed. This image was created from photos taken in 3 different parts of the near infrared spectrum.

Image: NGC 2170 as seen by VISTA (Visible Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy) reveals the secrets of the Unicorn. credit: ESO

NB: VISTA telescope is the latest telescopes at Paranal Observatory in northern Chile. Its large mirror wide-field and very sensitive detectors, we offer a new vision of the southern sky.
The telescope is installed on the ridge adjacent to that hosting the Very Large Telescope (VLT). It therefore shares the same exceptional conditions of observation. VISTA has a primary mirror 4.1 m in diameter.
In terms of photography, is the equivalent of a digital camera of 67 mega pixels, with a target of 13 000 mm f/3.25.

Image: In this picture earlier, the nebula NGC 2170 shines in the upper left corner. The nebula strongly reflects light from nearby stars.
NGC 2170 is accompanied by other reflection nebulae in the bluish tint.
Gas clouds, dust and hot stars present here, are located in the constellation of the Unicorn.

nebula NGC 2170 in the Unicorn

nebula NGC 2170

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