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Carina Nebula or NGC 3372

Last updated June 01, 2013

The great Carina Nebula (Eta Carinae) is cataloged as NGC 3372, it covers about three degrees of the sky at a distance of 10 000 light years, which corresponds to a diameter of 300 light years.
This is the jewel of the southern hemisphere, making it one of the largest regions of star formation in our galaxy. It is also the HII Called HII regions, regions consist mainly composed of clouds of hydrogen and that most atoms are ionized and extending over several light-years. The ionization is produced by the proximity of one or more very hot stars of spectral type O or B, which radiate strongly in the extreme ultraviolet, and ionizing the gas around it, from which these stars formed.  region (region of ionized hydrogen), the brightest of the Milky Way. Its angular diameter exceeds 4 ° photography.
The small dark nebula known as "Keyhole (Keyhole)" is the absorbing cloud in the center of the nebula, which is juxtaposed to the brightest part of the nebula where the star h Carinae there niche.
Carina Nebula is a giant nebula located in the Sagittarius arm of our Galaxy.
Although located 7 500 light years away in the Milky Way, it is bright enough to be seen with the naked eye, but only from the southern hemisphere.
These fantastic pillars of glowing dust and gas interspersed with new stars, have been sculpted by wind and intense radiation from the main star Eta Carinae and other massive stars nearby. Eta Carinae was in the 1830s, one of the brightest stars of the sky to fade dramatically.

Video: Eta Carinae may explode in a supernova definitely in the next thousand years.
Its luminosity is about four million times that of the sun, and its estimated weight is about 100 to 150 solar masses. This star is one of the most massive stars being discovered. video Zooming Into WR 22 & Carina Nebula

Carina nebula NGC 3372

Image: Eta Carinae is on the upper center of the image near the nebula NGC 3324 keyhole.
Credit Image: NASA, SSC, JPL, Caltech, Nathan Smith (Univ. du Colorado), and others.

Carina in X-ray

The Carina Nebula is home to over 14 000 stars. This region of star formation in the Carina Nebula was analyzed by the Chandra X-Ray Observatory has detected more than 14 000 stars.
The view from Chandra X-Ray provides strong evidence of massive stars that have self-destructed in the vicinity of this region. First, there is a deficit of observed bright X-ray sources in the area known as Trumpler 15, which suggests that some massive stars in this group have already been destroyed by supernova explosions. Trumpler 15 is located in the northern part of the image and is one of ten star clusters in the Carina Nebula. Astronomers have detected six neutron stars.
These are dense cores of stars, often left behind after their supernova explosion. This is further evidence of supernova activity in the hull. Previous observations had detected only a neutron star in Carina. X-rays are produced in the cosmos when matter is heated to millions of degrees. These temperatures occur where there are high magnetic fields, or extremely serious.

X-ray telescope can detect the hot gases from the explosion of a star or X-rays from matter swirling on the edge of a black hole. The Chandra X-ray Observatory, which was launched by Space Shuttle Columbia in 1999 to better define the hot and turbulent regions of space. This greater clarity, in another frequency range, X-rays, may help scientists answer fundamental questions about the origin, evolution and destiny of the Universe.

Imaage: Carina Nebula seen in the X-ray In this picture, X-rays of low energy, are red, medium energy X-rays are green, and those of higher energy are blue. Chandra has a large field of 1.4 degrees, consisting of a mosaic of 22 individual scores. Overall, this picture represents an observation time of 1.2 million seconds, nearly two weeks. Much of the data in this wavelength was used in compounds of images with the observations in the infrared by the Spitzer Space Telescope in the visible and with the VLT. Credit image: NASA/CXC/Penn State/L.Townsley et al.

Carina Nebula in X-ray

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