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Updated June 01, 2012

World population 2011

7 billion people on Earth in 2011

Future population growth in the world, is difficult to estimate accurately. Still many organizations publish forecasts, based on the rate of birth and many other indicators, also estimated. These projections are revised from time to time, based on updated information and improved modeling techniques. However, most estimates predict that world population will be between 8 and 10.5 billion in 2050. Inevitably, this will increase the unbearable pressure on food resources, water, fossil fuels and other limited resources consumed by human populations. Projections made by these organizations require a certain continuity deliberately ignoring the disaster scenarios. When did this happen catastrophe, i.e. the sharp decline of the world, no one can predict when and how this will happen and what will be the trigger event (war, epidemics, climate, earthquakes, volcanoes, crisis world trade,...).
Mankind already uses too much natural resources and the pace continues unabated. This puts unsustainable pressure on the natural environment and ecosystems on which we depend. Yet humanity is making efforts, the birth rate in the world is down slightly. In developed countries it is below the replacement level, but in developing countries, they are usually well above. Agriculture uncontrolled waste water, the raw materials and fossil fuels, the plundering of the seas, the massive destruction of plant and animal species, will they not end up depleting the planet?

However, a rapid decline in fertility is underway in all countries and particularly in developing countries. Despite the decline in birth rates, it is difficult to believe that the curve will be reversed in the years to come.
Once again it will take the human race adapts quickly to environmental context without reaching the state of overcrowding that would produce a Malthusian catastrophe. Malthusian catastrophe means a demographic collapse following an exponential growth population and is due to the depletion of resources, following to this growth.  

children per woman in the world

Image: Curves the number of children per woman.

World population curve

Image: In 2050, with a fertility rate of 2.7 children per woman, world population would reach 11.8 billion people.
The scenario "high", 10.7 billion (fertility of 2.35), the "average" scenario 9.1 billion (2.1 fertility - for the replacement of generations), the scenario "low", 7.7 billion (fertility 1.85 - rates adopted by the United Nations).
Source: United Nations.

80 million more per year

This increase of 80 million people a year, is still the estimated average in 2011, this equates to roughly, to add on our planet, the population of a country like Germany, every year.

Image: Profile created by referring to the figures of world population estimated for 2009, INED (National Institute of Demographic Studies) and the World Population Prospects.

NB: These figures are of course only estimates because the margin of error is important, it is due to the difficulties of identifying people.
In some countries, one third of births does not give rise to any official statement.

births since 01/01/2009 death since 01/01/2009

Image: These figures show the number of births and deaths world since the beginning of 2009.

population mondiale

2011 estimated population

  Population (in millions) Children per woman Percent growth rate
WORLD 6 988 2.51 1.1
AFRICA 1 056 4.38 2.2
LATIN AMERICA 594 2.14 1.0
NORTH AMERICA 354 2.01 0.9
ASIA 4 212 2.29 1.1
EUROPE 733 1.52 0.1
OCEANIA 36 2.41 1.3
INED6 9466 86680
Population data.net6 9166 83383
Worldometers6 8946 81678
Terriens.com6 9086 83177
World6 9166 83680

NB: 1 January 2011, there were about 6.916 billion people on Earth, 80 million more than in 2010.
We will reach the 7 billion people in late 2011 or early 2012.
The population of the Earth is growing by about 215,000 people daily, the approximate result daily balance of 365,000 births and 150,000 deaths.
Growth does not always slow in recent years.

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