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Eagle Nebula

Eagle Nebula or M6

Updated June 01, 2013

The Space Telescope has photographed very often Eagle Nebula. The image acquired in 1995 was already showing fine detail within the pillars of gas, real stellar nurseries. From a distance it looks like an eagle.
A closer examination of the Eagle Nebula shows that the bright region is actually a window in the center of a larger dark shell of dust.
Through this window, a very lit workshop appears where a whole open cluster of stars is being formed.
In this cavity tall pillars and round globules of dark dust and cold molecular gas remain where stars continue to form.
Several young bright blue stars are already visible. Their light winds and the remaining filaments and walls of gas and dust.
The emission nebula of the Eagle, labeled M 26, is located about 7000 light years from Earth, covering about 20 light years.
It is visible with binoculars towards the constellation Serpens.

The thin vertical column of dust forming stars that we see in the center of the image a little to the left, is known as the Fairy of Eagle Nebula.

Image: Eagle Nebula or M16.
The image to three colors and was taken by the 0.9 m telescope at Kitt Peak, Arizona, United States.

Eagle Nebula

Dust of the Eagle Nebula

This image shows a beautiful creature sculpted by stellar winds. This is actually a mirage tower blown cold gas and dust remover a stellar nursery called the Eagle Nebula. The slender tower measures 9.5 light-years, i.e. about 90,000 billion kilometers, about twice the distance from our Sun to the nearest star, Proxima Centauri. The stars of the Eagle Nebula are born in clouds of cold hydrogen gas. This is the light energy of these young stars sculpts beautiful scenery. This giant infernal tower of dust is a incubator cloud for those newborn stars. On top of the image, we see a torrent of ultraviolet light from hot young stars eroding the pillar of dust. Starlight emerging ended by illuminate the entire gas tower and a ghostly figure stands in the "mist" cosmic. The dark at the top of the image, representing the personage's shoulders, is a hydrogen cloud dense enough to withstand the pressure of stellar winds, but they will ultimately sweep of their flames, surrounding dust. Throughout the tower you can see the heavenly clouds so thick they may resist ultraviolet light winds from hot young stars.
Inside the gaseous tower, there are certainly young star formation hidden behind the thick layer of dust.
The stars light up after attracted to them, sufficiently dense dust, gravity ended by trigger nuclear reactions. But other stars are formed due to the pressure of the gas clouds that have been heated by nearby stars, which slowly collapse under their own weight, up to to be born other stars.
The brilliant young star clusters in certain regions of the tower, as the great mass brilliant wing-shaped top left of the structure, heat so the gases at the top of the tower, they create a shock front, pushing share nebulae and others. The heated gas expands and acts as a battering ram, pushing the cold gas and dark.
These scenarios will continue for a long time, until the dust is sufficiently dense to generate stars.
Hubble shows us here the depth and vastness of space.
It is thanks to images like this one someday we will decipher the key that connects us to the observable Universe. The dominant colors of the image were produced by gas excited by the powerful ultraviolet light from the star cluster.

The blue color at the top of the tower is emitted by oxygen while at the foot of the tower, in the lower region of red color, it is hydrogen that illuminates the pedestal of the personage.
The image of the Eagle Nebula was taken in November 2004 by the Advanced Camera for Surveys aboard the Hubble Space Telescope, Space credit NASA / ESA.

Image: Tower swollen cold hydrogen and dust rises in the middle of a stellar nursery called the Eagle Nebula. This ghostly figure gas stands in the mist, like a three-dimensional structure. The stars keep growing when light energy of stellar winds push enough dust, separating them from their gas supply.
credit: Hubble Space Telescope, Space credit NASA / ESA.

Dust of the Eagle Nebula or M16

Pillars of the Creation

This image has become one of the most famous images in modern times. It was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995. It shows huge clouds of hydrogen gas and dust mass of 10 to 50 times the mass of the Sun, called the Pillars of Creation. These giant pillars extend for light years away and are so dense that the gravitational force inside, creates stars. At the top of each pillar, the intense radiation of bright stars, lights up the surrounding matter. In light of these dense stellar nurseries, highlights the magnificent monsters of dust from the Eagle Nebula. Recent observations of the Spitzer telescope, indicates that these superstructures of dust, are ephemeral and will eventually be blown away by the shock wave of a supernova. In the heart of the Eagle Nebula, we find large columns of dust. These columns contain, Bok globules (huge clouds of gas and dust mass of 10 to 50 times the mass of the Sun) where stars are born.
These columns are dubbed the Pillars of Creation.
Credit NASA / Hubble

The Pillars of Creation, Xray

Image: The pillars of creation in the infrared, seen by Herschel and XMM-Newton.

The Pillars of Creation, in M16

Image: The Pillars of Creation in visible light seen by Hubble.

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