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Galaxy NGC 1672

Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672

Last updated June 01, 2013

Many spiral galaxies have a bar in the center, but it certainly has nothing to do with the prominent bar of the spiral galaxy NGC 1672 visible, above-cons.
It differs, veins dust represented by dark filaments, young blue star clusters, nebulae glow with red, characteristic of hydrogen, a long and distinguished bar star superimposed in the center and Finally, a bright active nucleus that hosts probably a supermassive black hole.
Light takes as many as 60 million years to reach us from NGC 1672, which measures about 75 000 light years in diameter.
NGC 1672 is visible in the constellation of Dorado and is the subject of studies to discover how the bar can contribute to the formation of stars in the central regions of the galaxy.
Its apparent magnitude is 10.3.
This is a Seyfert galaxy.
The Seyfert galaxies are spiral or irregular galaxies containing an extremely bright nucleus and a spectrum with emission lines very bright for hydrogen, helium, nitrogen and oxygen. This type of galaxy was named after Carl Seyfert, American astronomer (February 11, 1911, Cleveland - June 13, 1960, Nashville).

NGC 1672 shows by its region of star formation that is located in a central Galactic bar.
The spiral arms do not twist fully from the center as we used to see in spiral galaxies, but are attached to both ends of a straight bar of stars including the kernel.
Is the bar always develops in the center of spiral galaxies and then disappear?
The galaxies seen behind NGC 1672 give the illusion of being incorporated into the foreground galaxy, although they are much further away.

Image: This detailed image provides a high definition view of the great bar of the galaxy NGC 1672 visible in the Southern Hemisphere, in the constellation Dorado. Taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, this view gives us dramatic details.
Hubble images of high resolution ESA.
Credit NASA: Hubble Space Telescope image.

Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672

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