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Johannes Kepler, 1571 - 1630

Last updated June 01, 2013

Johannes Kepler was born December 27, 1571 in Weil der Stadt in Baden-Wuerttemberg.
Johannes Kepler, his debut was an assistant of Tycho Brahe.
On the death of it, he gets all the valuable comments of planets accumulated over twenty years. Kepler first became interested in the movement of Mars. Kepler determined the origin of irregularities in the motion of Mars.
The planet's orbit around the Sun is not circular but more like an ellipse. Kepler published this result in 1609, in Astronomia Nova and ended with the rules previously allowed circular orbits.
Kepler is famous for having proposed the heliocentric hypothesis (the Earth orbits the Sun) by Nicolas Copernicus.
In addition he discovered that all the planets do not revolve on a perfectly circular orbit around the Sun but by following ellipses.
Born prematurely at seven months and hypochondriac nature frail, he suffered all his life from poor health.
At age three, he contracted smallpox, which, among other consequences, severely weakened his eyesight. However, intelligence is manifested at an early age. During a visit to the Duke of Wurttemberg notices the young man and takes charge.
In 1587, Kepler attended the University of Tübingen, where he studied with Maestlin, German astronomer and mathematician, known for being the mentor of Johannes Kepler.

Maestlin, convinced of the veracity of the basic heliocentric system of Copernicus, Kepler initiates. Kepler graduated from the University of Tübingen in 1588 and an MA in 1591.
Kepler abandoned his theological studies at Gratz to go. In Graz, he published almanacs with astrological predictions. He worked in miserable conditions, harassed by his creditors.
Contemporary of Luther and the great heresies, he must often flee, facing the Church and the Inquisition. "When war is raging, when the empire is threatened with shipwreck, he is more noble destiny to anchor our scientific knowledge in the rock of eternity."
Johannes Kepler.
He died November 15, 1630 in Regensburg in Bavaria. In 1632, during the Thirty Years War, the Swedish army destroyed his grave.
His work is found in 1773. Recovered by Catherine II of Russia, they are now at the Pulkovo observatory in St. Petersburg in Russia.

Image: Johannes Kepler: Weil der Stadt, 1571 - Regensburg, 1630.


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