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Deimos, moon of Mars observed by MRO probe

Updated December 10, 2013

Deimos, against this, the smaller of the two moons of Mars was photographed on 21 February 2009 by the American probe MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter). The American probe, launched on 12 August 2005 from the Cape Canaveral in Florida, helping to enrich our knowledge about the planet Mars, as the history of its water, its climate or its subsoil. It also sends us from time to time, beautiful photos of her satellites Phobos and Deimos.
Deimos is not spherical but ovoidal, like an asteroid deformed.
This small moon of Mars from a few kilometers square (15 × 12 × 10.4 km), appears to be completely smooth and very little craterized. This is due to its small size and the layer 100 m thick rock spray, which covers.
The orbital period of the small moon is 1.26244 days, which means it goes around Mars in 1 day, 6 hours, 17 minutes and 54 seconds.

Image: Deimos is the smaller of the two satellites of Mars. These photos were taken on 21 February 2009, the camera HiRise (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Deimos is not spherical, its dimensions are 15 × 12 × 10.4 km. The photograph below shows a surface against clear, but in reality, the surface very dark reddish black, has an albedo of 0.07.
Deimos has a smooth surface because the layer of regolith (fine particles ejected during the impact of meteorites), which covers its surface with the exception of the more recent impact craters.
This object to dark red, similar to Mars and Phobos, the moon of Mars.
Image Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / University of Arizona. The resolution is 20 meters per pixel.

Deimos moon of Mars

Fear and terror

The names of the two moons of Mars are derived from Greek mythology, Phobos (Fear) and Deimos (Terror) both twins that Ares was the god with the goddess Aphrodite.
Deimos is covered with a thick layer of particles ejected during the impact of meteorites, which blurs its relief by filling its craters gradually. We can not find this feature on Phobos, Mars closest where dust is influenced by tidal forces of Mars.

Phobos and Deimos in orbit around Mars

The two satellites could come from the asteroid belt, which, passing near the planet Mars, were captured.
Deimos is at a distance of 23 460 km of Mars and Phobos to 9 377 km.
The gravity on the surface of Deimos is very low (0.0039 m/s-2). Its density is only 2.2 g/cm3.
Its rate of release is 22 km/hour or 6 m / s) which would allow a man to leave the soil of Deimos simply ran.

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