Image: Image of Earth taken by Apollo 8, the first mission to carry humans beyond Earth orbit between December 21, 1968 and December 27, 1968.
The Earth rotates very quickly around its own axis, but it is so large that it takes 24 hours to complete one rotation. This is why we do not feel that the Earth rotates, because it moves very slowly compared to our body.
Imagine yourself in a car that drives very slowly and turns gently. You don't feel the movement of the car because it's very smooth and steady. It's the same for the Earth, it turns so slowly that you don't feel it moving.
In addition, our body adapts to the speed of the Earth. It's like you're on a moving train. At first you can feel the movement, but after a while you get used to it and you don't feel it anymore.
Finally, there is also the fact that the air and the atmosphere move with the Earth, so everything around us moves with us. This gives us the impression that everything is still.
In summary, we do not feel that the Earth is rotating because it moves very slowly, our body adapts to its speed and everything around us moves at the same time as us.