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Updated September 25, 2024

What is Matter?

What is matter, explanation for children

Image description: Different forms of visible matter around us: solid, liquid, and gas. Image credit AI

You may have wondered what makes up everything around you, like your favorite toy, the water you drink, or even the air you breathe. All of these things are made of matter. But what is matter?

What is Matter?

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. This means that everything you can touch, see, or even smell is made of matter. Your books, plants, clouds, and even yourself are all made of matter!

What is Matter Made Of?

Matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. An atom is so small that we can't see it with the naked eye, but it's the basic "building block" that makes up everything in the universe. There are more than a hundred different types of atoms, and by combining them in different ways, we get all the objects around us.

States of Matter

Matter exists in different forms or "states". The three main states are:

Why is Matter Important?

Matter is essential because it makes up everything that exists in our world. Without matter, there would be no objects, no living things, and not even Earth or the stars. By understanding what matter is, we can better understand how the world around us works.


In summary, matter is everything that has mass and takes up space. It is made of atoms and can exist in the form of solids, liquids, or gases. Everything in the universe is made of matter, and thanks to it, we can touch, see, and interact with the world around us.

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