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The best pictures from Hubble
The star-forming region NGC 3603
The Hubble Space Telescope image contains one of the most impressive clusters of young stars, the Milky Way, aged 1 million years.
The Antennae Galaxies
This is the clearest images of merging galaxies. The collision of two galaxies, creates billions of stars coming together in clusters.
The shock wave from the wheel of the cart
A small galaxy passed through the heart of the disc, a large galaxy and produced the shock wave that swept gas and dust environment.
The large bar of the galaxy NGC 1672
NGC 1672, shows clusters of young blue stars and hot along its spiral arms and clouds of hydrogen gas and bright red.
Gas suspended by the magnetic field of the black hole
This image provides amazing detail of filamentous structures, which appear as reddish lace around the center of the bright galaxy NGC 1275.
Interacting galaxies, Arp 273
The deformed structure of the largest galaxy, just imagine that the smaller galaxy has crossed most.
Image from the depths of the visible universe
This view of part of the world, nearly 10,000 galaxies is the deepest image, ever taken in visible light.
30% of galaxies are flocculent
A flocculent spiral galaxy like NGC 2841 shows the spiral arms rather than large short galactic arms well defined.
The galaxy NGC 5866 tilted, seen edge
Hubble revealed by the dust lane of the galaxy, seen edge surrounding a bright nucleus. Related dust ends with a blue disk of stars.
The book of images of the Orion Nebula
More than 3,000 stars of various sizes appear in this book of images of the Orion Nebula.
Hot ionized gases flowing peaks of Pillar
Spectacular image of fiction, showing the chaotic activity atop a pillar cosmic turbulent gas and dust, which is in the constellation Carina.
The remarkable smoke of the cigar galaxy
Image of the galaxy of the cigar, the sharpest ever obtained wide viewing angle. Galaxy remarkable for its bright feathers and hydrogen layers of shredded clouds.
A winged fairy resting on a pedestal
A tower blown cold hydrogen gas and dust rises in the midst of a stellar nursery called the Eagle Nebula.
The most famous supernova in history
The explosion of the supernova has been seen from Earth in the 11th century, from 1054, it is called today, the Crab Nebula.
The Cone Nebula, the monstrous pillar
The Cone Nebula and the Christmas tree, looks like a creature of nightmare, in a sea of red. In reality it is a mass of gas and dust in the Unicorn.
The Pillars of Creation
This image, taken with the Hubble Space Telescope in 1995, is very famous. In reality it is a cluster of gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula.
>>> Credit: NASA , ESA
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