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Last updated June 01, 2013


Charles Darwin 1809-1882

Charles Darwin was an English naturalist born in Shrewsbury, in Shropshire (England), February 12, 1809. He is the son of a doctor and financially prosperous, Robert Darwin (1766-1848) and grand-son of the famous naturalist and poet Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802). Darwin's interest in natural history came to him while he was studying medicine at Edinburgh University, then theology at Cambridge.
Nature is able to create life in its myriad forms without any outside help, it's called evolution.
This has sprung from the brain of one man, Charles Darwin. The theory of evolution arose from an amazing journey in 1831 the naturalist Charles Darwin boarded the Beagle for a five-year voyage around the world to collect fossils, plants and animals.
Back in England, he spent the next 22 years to develop a theory to explain the appearance of living under such a variety of forms. On January 29, 1839, Darwin and Emma Wedgwood were married at Maer. It was not until 22 November 1859 he published his ideas in a book entitled "The Origin of Species."
Others were described as heretics to have advanced similar ideas, Darwin confided to his closest friends and continued to expand his research to prevent the objections that it would inevitably do. Indeed this book will shake the entire planet as it exhibited three assertions. The first is that life originated there are several hundred million years. The second is that life was formed from a few simple organisms that have given subsequently rise to millions of species that exist today. The third is that the process of creating new species arises from a force of nature he called "natural selection".

His theory is simply summarized in the introduction to his book "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection." "As it comes a lot more individuals of each species than can survive, and that, therefore, there is often a struggle for life, it follows that any being, if it varies even slightly, in a way that is beneficial in terms of complex variables and sometimes life has a better chance to survive and so will end up choosing a natural way. Due to the dominant principle of inheritance, any selected variety will tend to and multiply in its new and modified." Life was going on when a creator.
Evolution by natural selection was widely disparaged in religious communities. Critics hostile take the consequences that are not expressed in The Origin of Species, such as that men are descended from apes. It Lamarck, who fifty years ago suggested the idea.
The scientific work of Darwin remains the foundation of biology, for it explains in a logical and unified the diversity of life. Today, Darwin's theory is widely accepted and has spread into popular culture.
Natural selection means that the traits that favor survival and reproduction, see the frequency increase from one generation to another. The idea of Darwin includes both the idea of competition and solidarity.
Charles Darwin died in his field of peaceful Down, April 19, 1882. Until his death, he patiently expanded his theory, thus laying the foundation of modern evolutionism.

Image: Charles Darwin was a passionate worker and foremost a true scientist. He was able to wait patiently to state and illustrate, in a world frozen by the dogmas of the Church's own history of life.

Charles Darwin

Between Darwin and Lamarck

The notion of evolution of species was proposed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in 1809.
Based on the observation of the physiological characteristics of organisms, it offers continuity of the living world, from the organization the most simple to the complex and posits the existence of a relationship between all species. This relationship is rooted in the phenomenon of new species, or speciation: a species new characters gradually accumulates and eventually becomes a different species. Lamarck suggests the following hypothesis is an adaptation of an animal to new conditions in which they live that allows it to evolve. Thus, he wrote in his Zoological Philosophy, about snails he had studied: "Now if the new requirements become constant or very durable, the animals take on new habits, which are as durable as the needs that have born. "

These theories were taken independently, some fifty years later by the British Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace. Darwin, during a scientific expedition in South America and the Galapagos Islands, had noticed that some species of the continent and islands were very similar to each other.
By comparing these species it sketched writing the book that made him famous, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection." He put that in a group of animals belonging to the same species, individuals vary in their anatomical and physiological characteristics.
Thus, young people are never completely identical to the parents or identical.
This "variability native" would be different from an "acquired variability", which is the medium which gradually transformed the animal until such time that the species is adapted to their new living conditions.

NB: Jean Baptiste de Lamarck, 1809, publishing philosophy zoologist, he proposed transmutation. It argues for the transmission of acquired characteristics from one generation to another.
This is the first evolutionary theory to be formulated.

NB: Charles Darwin, 1859, published "The Origin of Species." Darwin proposed a scientific theory of evolution based on the principle of natural selection.
He was the first to state that the human race is also the result of changes due to natural selection.

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