Image: The first glimmers of the observable universe seen by the Planck mission (March 2013).
This embryonic universe already has an incredible amount of detail.
The tiny temperature irregularities we see are the scars left by the quantum vacuum on the surface of spacetime. Each small pixel will evolve into clusters of galaxies (at this moment, the Milky Way is only a quantum fluctuation of the vacuum). Credit: ESA and Planck collaboration.
The quantum vacuum is the lowest possible point of energy in a quantum system. It is characterized by the fact that quantum particles are completely absent and the associated field is as weak as possible. Quantum vacuum is a state where all energy levels are occupied by virtual particles that are actually energy fluctuations. These fluctuations occur at all energy levels and are responsible for the van der Waals force which is responsible for the cohesion between atoms. Furthermore, quantum fluctuations may also be responsible for some non-classical properties such as nonlocality and quantum entanglement. And nothingness?
Nothingness is a philosophical concept that designates absolute nothing, that is to say the total absence of any form of substance, existence or being. Nothingness is often thought of as a state that existed before the creation of the universe or matter. Nothingness is different from quantum vacuum because it has no form of matter or energy associated with it. Nothingness is often described as a state of total absence, formless, timeless and spaceless. And the void?
Vacuum is the total absence of matter or energy. It can be described as a state of nothing or the absence of anything. Vacuum is not necessarily the same as nothingness or quantum vacuum. The vacuum is often found in places that are not occupied by particles or electromagnetic waves. The vacuum is often compared to an interstellar vacuum or a cosmic vacuum. And nothing?
Nothing is a philosophical concept that designates the total absence of any form of substance, existence or being. The nothing is considered as a state that exists before the creation of the universe or matter. It is often compared to an interstellar void or a cosmic void. The nothing is different from the quantum vacuum because it has no form of matter or energy associated with it.