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From infinitely large to infinitely small...


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Updated June 01, 2013

Here is a trip here in the Universe from the largest to the smallest distance.
This notion of distance starts at 14 billion light years (size of the Universe) and ends at 10 atoms meter (size quark).
The visible universe has a radius of 14 billion light years just because it is aged about 14 billion years.
The true size of the universe must be larger than the visible universe, but we will not go any further.
Experimentally, the size of an elementary fermion has never been measured, a quark is a fermion Basic.
A quark is a particle theory point, it should not have size...

Power Symbol Power Symbol
10^0 1 10^1 da (deca)
10^2 h (hecto) 10^3 k (kilo)
10^6 M (mega) 10^9 G (giga)
10^12 T (tera) 10^15 P (peta)
10^18 E (exa) 10^21 Z (zetta)
10^24 Y (yotta) 10^27 R (ronna)
10^30 Q (quetta)
Negative numbers Symbol
10-30 q (quecto)
10-27 r (ronto)
10-24 y (yocto)
10-21 z (zepto)
10-18 a (atto)
10-15 fm (femto)
10-12 p (pico)
10-9 n (nano)
10-6 µ (micro)
10-3 m (milli)
10-2 c (centi)
10-1 d (deci)
100 1

1026 meters

A 14 billion light years away, every little dot is a galaxy superclusters.
There are approximately 10 million superclusters of galaxies in the visible Universe.

This distance is equal to 100 yottameters


The galaxies in the universe tend to congregate in large sheets and superclusters of galaxies surrounding large voids, which gives the appearance cellular universe.
Because the light in the universe can travel at finite speed, we see objects on the edge of the universe when it was very young, there are 14 billion years.

1025 meters

1 billion light years is a distance at which you can see a structure of super clusters of galaxies.

This distance is equal to 10 yottameters.

univers 1 milliard AL

If we can assume that the universe at very large scale is homogeneous, its screen becomes apparent on scales beyond 300 million light-years. The first level of structuring is a form that can not be easily described. Astronomers speak and walls, filaments, sheets or crepes,... to describe the morphology of the concentrations of galaxies, and structural foam, sponge, cloth spider to mention the very fabric of the universe.

1024 meters

100 million light years is the distance at which we can see the galaxy clusters.

This distance is equal to 1 yottameter.

univers 100 millions AL

Where filaments meet several or more layers, the concentration of galaxies is higher, reflecting the structures more easily identifiable, and appear as aligned in chains. They are the ones who take the name of superclusters.
The superclusters commonly contain several thousand galaxies.

Pegasus-Pisces A Horologium-Reticulum, Hydra-Centaurus (Great Attractor), Shapley Concentration,...

1023 meters

At 10 million light years away, a galaxy is seen as a point.

This distance is equal to 100 zettameters.

univers 10 millions AL

The current picture of galaxies is in fact very far from that in the past made universe islands. archipelagos of stars.
Galaxies are not autonomous objects but are in constant interaction with other galaxies of the cluster to which they belong.
Collisions are not uncommon, and tidal interactions are almost the rule. It follows that galaxies evolve, change shape and characteristics during their lifetime.

1022 meters

A 1 million light years away you start to see the disk of a galaxy.
This distance is equal to 10 zettameters.

univers 1 million AL

There are so many galaxies in the observable universe, they are part of a broad range of masses and dimensions, and take a wide variety of forms.
Astronomer Edwin Hubble was however able to identify a limited number of basic morphologies.
In summary, we identified three main types: elliptical galaxies, spheroidal in shape and more or less flattened, and spiral galaxies, with a spheroidal central, extended by a disk, which develop spiral arms, and galaxies irregular.

1021 meters

At 100 miles light years away we see the structure of galaxies, the arms, the central disc,...
This distance is equal to 1 zettameter.

univers 100 mille AL

The intergalactic gas is collected in the galactic disk, in which the stars meet.
The stellar disk of the Milky Way, for example, measuring not more than 70 000 light years in diameter, but hydrogen is observable within a radius of 100 000 light years in diameter.
There are other interstellar matter most densely grouped in the form of molecules and dust in great clouds, giant molecular clouds.

1020 meters

At 10 miles light years away we start to see the stars of a galaxy.
This distance is equal to 100 exameters.

univers 10 mille AL

In the Milky Way, it was born an average of four or five stars each year.
These births take place by fits and starts, in areas where focused enough raw materials: hydrogen, the main constituent of interstellar clouds.
The preferred providers of this gas will be cold and dusty giant molecular clouds.
In a galaxy like the Milky Way, the sites of star formation are therefore focus where the giant molecular clouds in spiral arms and in the most central of the Galaxy.

1019 meters

 A thousand light years away you can see the whitish spots representing the large number of stars in the galaxy.
This distance is equal to 10 exameters.

univers mille AL

Two out of three times, the stars belong to a couple, where both components revolve around their common center of gravity.
Just like our Sun, the stars are masses of plasma (gas increased to very high temperature), to form generally spherical or ellipsoidal, rotating on themselves, extremely bright, and whose energy is radiated to the essentially in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

1018 meters

 A 100 light years away we see the distribution of stars of a galaxy.
This distance is equal to 1 exameter.

univers 100 AL

The stars are unevenly distributed across the sky. They include first galaxies, and the white trace in which the galaxy appears to us is the manifestation of such clusters.
But the stars gregarity is also evident at scales smaller within galaxies.
For example, the Pleiades, the Hyades (constellation Taurus), Praesepe (in Cancer) and the cluster of the hair of Berenice.

1017 meters

 A 10 light years away we see each point representing the stars in the galaxy.
This distance is equal to 100 petameters.

univers 10 AL

The stars are born in clusters from the fragmentation and contraction of portions of cold interstellar clouds.
A few hundred thousand years, these gaseous condensations rich molecules and dust form cocoons in the heart relatively compact area which accumulates under the influence of gravity to create a protostar that will shine more and consuming more fuel.

1016 meters

 1 A light-year away from our galaxy the sun appears to observers outside our galaxy.
This distance is equal to 10 petameters.

univers 1 AL

In the vastness of the universe, the Sun is simply a star among millions of others. And, for the Earth, on the contrary, it is the center around which it revolves, and his home life.
Most stars live in a relationship with a star, sometimes more. From this point of view the Sun is therefore a minority.
Its mass is relatively large, and the vast majority of stars have masses and much more modest dimensions.

1015 meters

 A 1000 billion km away from our galaxy, the sun appears a little larger to observers outside our galaxy.
This distance is equal to 1 petameter.

notion of distance

Just like our Sun, the stars are masses of plasma (gas increased to very high temperature), to form generally spherical or ellipsoidal, rotating on themselves, extremely bright, and whose energy is radiated to the essentially in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

1014 meters

 100 billion kilometers, the distance that fully understands the orbits of the planets in our solar system.
This distance is equal to 100 terameters.

orbits of the planets

Before Kepler, it was believed that the orbits of the planets were circular.
They are actually elliptical, as well as those of their satellites, which follow a first approximation, like them, the laws of Kepler.

1013 meters

 10 billion km is the distance that includes most of the orbits of the planets in our solar system.
This distance is equal to 10 terameters.

notion of distance

Pluto and Charon are a couple of dwarf planets situated in the Solar System 5.9 billion kilometers. The couple performs its long circuit around the Sun in 250 years.
But its orbit, very elongated, the conduit for a short period, as was recently the case at a distance less than that of Neptune.

1012 meters

 1 billion km, the distance that fully understands the orbit of asteroids in our solar system, it is located between Mars and Jupiter.
This distance is equal to 1 terameter.

notion of distance

Asteroids are rocky bodies smaller than a thousand kilometers) devoid of atmosphere, which is mainly in the internal regions of the solar system, especially between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

1011 meters

 100 million kilometers, the distance which covers almost the entire orbit of Venus. The second planet closest to the center of the solar system.
This distance is equal to 100 gigameters.

notion of distance

Venus revolves around the Sun at a distance of 108.2 million kilometers.

1010 meters

 10 million km, the distance that has 10 times the orbit of the Moon around the Earth.
This distance is equal to 10 gigameters.

Earth Moon

10 million km, the equivalent of 10 round-trip Earth Moon.

109 meters

 1 million km, the distance that fully understands the orbit of the Moon.
This distance is equal to 1 gigameter.

notion of distance

1 million kilometers, equivalent to 1 return Earth Moon. The diameter of the Sun is approximately 1.5 million kilometers.

108 meters

 100 miles kilometers is the distance at which we begin to guess our Earth.
This distance is equal to 100 megameters.

notion of distance

100 miles kilometers, equivalent to 10 times the diameter of the Earth.

107 meters

10 thousand kilometers, is the distance that includes an entire hemisphere of Earth.
This distance is equal to 10 megameters.

notion of distance

The diameter of the Earth is 12,756 kilometers.

106 meters

Thousand kilometers, the distance that includes the entire area of France.
This distance is equal to 1 megameter.


Almost hexagonal in shape and average size, making it between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, a narrow isthmus at the western end of the continent.
It stretches from north to south over a length of 973 km and reaches a maximum width from east to west, about 950 km.

105 meters

100 kilometers is the distance that includes a large part of a French department.

notion of distance

Metropolitan France has 22 regions, which are subdivided into 96 departments and 3 808 cantons. These regions are: Alsace, Aquitaine, Auvergne, Basse-Normandy, Burgundy, Brittany, Central Region, the Region Champagne-Ardenne, Corsica, Franche-Comté, Haute-Normandie, Île-de-France, Languedoc-Roussillon, Limousin, Lorraine, Midi-Pyrenees, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Pays de la Loire, Picardie, Poitou-Charentes, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA) and the Région Rhône-Alpes.

104 meters

10 km is the distance at which you can see a city like Toulouse.

notion of distance

Toulouse, a city in southern France, capital of the department of Haute-Garonne and the Midi-Pyrenees, situated on the Garonne and the Canal du Midi. The town of Toulouse is the fourth largest city in France.
Toulouse, the sixth of France, concentrates a quarter of the population of the Midi-Pyrenees, it polarizes the bulk of the population and economic growth.

103 meters

1 km, the distance at which you can see a village like Auzielle in Haute Garonne.

notion of distance

Auzielle my village
- 1 579 people (May 1999)
- A nursery school (2 classes)
- A primary school (5 classes)
- A library

102 meters

100 meters is the distance at which one can see a quarter of a village.

notion of distance

Surface may show some 25 houses. My subdivision.

101 meters

10 meters is the distance at which one can guess the leaves of trees.

notion of distance

Trees are perennials, woody, with the main stem or trunk, is at least 6 m. The redwoods from North America and eucalyptus from Australia may exceed 110 m, with trunks whose circumference is 26 m.
In Europe, the largest trees are spruce, peaking at 60 m.

100 meter

1 meter, the distance at which you can see the branches of trees.

notion of distance

The branch or twig supports the leaves of a tree or shrub.
The leaves, specialized in photosynthesis, exist in almost all plants.

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