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Astronomy page 4


Toba caldera volcano
Large calderas of the world are formed after cataclysmic explosions of volcanoes

calculating the distance of the horizon
How to calculate the distance to the horizon?

In search of black holes
In search of black holes

the threat of supervolcanoes
The threat of supervolcanoes

the return of sunspots in 2010
Finally the return of sunspots in 2010

detailed image of Betelgeuse
The most detailed optical image of Betelgeuse

matière manquante, énergie noire
Non-baryonic dark matter

polar bears endangered
Man will he the largest animal on Earth?

ice cores tell us about the past...
Ice cores tell us about the past

Earth's atmosphere from space
Earth's atmosphere from space

arche anticrepuscular
Shadow of the Earth or arch anticrepuscular

Nuclear fission
Nuclear fusion, natural energy source

solar flare of February 15, 2011
The most violent solar eruptions

fusion of galaxies
Fusion galaxies and black holes

Nuclear Power
Nuclear energy or the particularity of uranium

vernal equinox and autumnal
The days and nights equinox

asteroid or comet (Itokawa and hartley 2)
Asteroid or comet?

oil refinery
Global energy demand. At the dawn of a revolution, many people will be sacrificed

neutron Stars
Neutron star, billions of tons cm3

the supervolcanoes that changed life on Earth
Supervolcanoes that changed life on Earth

eccentricity, obliquity and precession of the Earth
Variation of the eccentricity of the Earth

DNA carrier of genetic information
Story of the evolution towards the living

Space debris
Exponential increase in space debris

the global ecological footprint
Global ecological footprint

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