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Astronomy page 12


Disaster of great eruption
Super eruption or global catastrophe, These are supervolcanoes that cause super eruptions

Astronomy vital to human civilizations of the past
Astronomy and anguish of the past

Asteroid 2012 DA14 passing February 15, 2013
135,000 tons of rock closer to Earth

Impact craters on Earth
Impact craters on Earth

Sagittarius A black hole at the center of our Galaxy
Sagittarius A, our black hole in 2013

Protoplanet around the star HD100546
Protoplanet around the star HD100546

Comparative sizes of planets and stars
Comparative sizes of planets and stars

Merope nebula IC 349 and stellar winds
Stellar winds of the Merope nebula

2012 is the ninth warmest year since 1880
2012 is the ninth warmest year since

Asteroid Pallas
Asteroid Pallas the 3rd largest

Animation of the solar wind, the solar flux sended to the planets
Video solar winds in space

Universe of Planck satellite
After the COBE satellite launched in November 1989, WMAP in June 2001

Cosmological and physical constants
Cosmological constants

Axis of rotation of planets or obliquity
Axis of rotation of planets or obliquity

Monocerotis V838, Explosion live image viewed by Hubble
Explosion live image viewed by Hubble

Comet Lemmon C/2012 F6 passing in March 2013
2013 the year of comets

Van Allen radiation belt
Van Allen radiation belt

Asteroid Juno disfigured by a collision
Asteroid Juno disfigured by a collision

Number of candidates and confirmed exoplanets
Number of candidates exoplanets

Systems exoplanets Kepler-62 and Kepler-69
Two new planetary systems

Planetary nebula NGC 6751
Planetary nebulas

Cheops Space Telescope and characteristics of exoplanets
Cheops, characteristics of exoplanets

mascons or gravitational anomalies of the Moon
Gravitational anomalies of the Moon

Conditions for the emergence of life
Conditions for the emergence of life

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